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Refund Policy

30-Day Refund Policy
For any reason, undamaged products can be fully refunded within 30 days after the delivery date to the shipping address. Once the item is returned to MORSEN's warehouse for inspection, the refund process will begin.
Refund Process:
1. Contact support@morsenlight.com for a refund.
2. Morsen support will reply within one working day. After reaching an agreement, you will be given the required information (such as a refund address).
3. Return the goods.
4. After the goods are received, Morsen will arrange a refund within 3 working days.
- Returns must include all accessories;
- Items must include original packaging;
- For warranty claims not related to product quality, the buyer is responsible for shipping costs;
- For warranty claims not related to product quality, Morsen will refund the full cost of the product. 
- If the product does not meet the requirements above, the return request may be rejected.
Refund requests for the 30-day return policy expire 30 days after the warranty claim is made. For non-quality related issues with expired warranties, returns will not be processed.

Contact info
📧  support@morsenlight.com 
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM (EST)

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